

找一份灵活的工作, 多种多样的, 令人兴奋的, 前景广阔, and can offer you a great environment to work in?  


没有哪两天是完全一样的, it’s one of the fastest growing industries in Scotland and 担保 you’ll be trained for a job of the future.
You don’t always need a degree to get an opportunity in the tech sector, complete our online 12 week course to help you gain access to one of over 13,每年有1000个职位空缺.
Places on this course are fully grant funded via the Digital Start Fund.



We are offering eligible individuals the chance to undertake 两个 SCQF 11级模块与数据科学 焦点 over a  12 week period online and you can complete them with 对你的通用信用没有影响.

顺利通过本课程 担保 you an interview upon completion, arranged by ScotlandIS.


This course consists of 两个 postgraduate 20 credit modules, R语言和数据可视化入门 and Web数据分析, and prepares you for employment by developing your knowledge and skills in these 两个 areas:


分析数据通常从可视化开始, observing the relationships that appear and discovering anything unexpected. This module will teach candidates how to use the open source statistical software R to visualise data, 包括清洁, 准备和总结数据集.

除了数据可视化, reproducible reporting mechanisms will be introduced, 使用混合代码和文本的文档格式. The skills learned in the module are used in many fields and are applicable for use with many datasets, 无论大小.

R is a widely used tool throughout various industries and businesses. It has a large open source community who contribute to the development of new tools and techniques, 同时提供社区支持. 其他行业工具, including an integrated development environment and version control, 也将在整个模块中使用.


Business intelligence can help companies uncover previously inaccessible insights hidden in large data sets of unstructured data formats, 接管像图像识别这样的任务, 文本分析和重复的知识工作, and can be applied to boundless areas such as risk detection, 物流, 技术支持, 行为分析和客户支持. This module aims to give candidates a theoretical and practical understanding of machine learning, one of the most 令人兴奋的 fields in computer science, in context to business intelligence and analytics.


This course is designed for people with an interest in Data and Analytics, with either:

  • 至少2:2的STEM学科荣誉学位
  • A minimum 2:2 honours degree in a Business Management subject with appropriate work experience (requires academic decision panel input)
  • Those who do not possess an honours degree but have an ordinary degree, 或同等学历, and work experience at a suitable level within an organisation for an appropriate length of time, will be considered (requires academic decision panel input)
  • 资格s from an approved professional body will also be considered (requires academic decision panel input)


All elements of the course will be completed online, so it is essential that you have regular access to a laptop or desktop computer as well as reliable broadband with streaming capacity.

Delivery will be flexible to enable you to study whenever and wherever is convenient but the expected length of the course is 10 teaching weeks (12 weeks in total) of virtual lectures, 活动, 独立研究和评估, with a maximum of 两个 attempts to successfully complete each module.

I’ve never studied online before, will there be help?

你不会孤单的, with module leaders on hand to offer academic support as well as pre recorded lectures and plenty of online materials, as well as a ScotlandIS representative to help support you through your studies.


If you are in receipt of Universal Credit or other income related benefits and live in Scotland, 你几乎肯定符合条件. 详细信息请阅读下面的内容.


  • 居住在博天堂入口
  • 有权利在英国工作吗
  • have not completed any further or higher study in the last 12 months
  • receive universal credit OR be considered low income employed or low skilled employed
  • 面对障碍(财务), 社会, etc) to accessing existing upskilling and retraining opportunities for a future career in digital technologies.


You must be in receipt of Universal Credit and live in Scotland having not completed qualifications at SCQF Level 6 or above in the last 12 months.


You must meet 两个 of the European Employability Barriers

Please note that of  you are currently in employment you must be considered as low income employed (this means your total pay is £16,100 or less per year).

你可以在下面看到这些障碍. 这个清单并不详尽,但是 完整的名单可以在这里找到. If you’re unsure please get in touch with us on email 尼古拉.taylor@scotlandis.来吧,我们会告诉你的.

  • 54岁以上
  • 军队退伍军人
  • 刑事定罪
  • 残疾
  • 来自就业不足的地区
  • 偏远或乡郊地区
  • 无家可归的人
  • 生活在无业家庭的
  • 心理健康

People who have completed college or university provision at SCQF6 or above within the past calendar year will not be eligible. Being in receipt of certain types of benefits will preclude any of the employability barriers from applying. 如果您不确定,请联系 尼古拉.taylor@stemapure.com

